Every year, during the fall, the Pyrenees in Lleida become the host for the deer’s grunt this spectacular routine showcases the wildlife of the area. These splendid animals face each other in fierce mating battles, they can be easily observed in the woods and meadows of Pallars Jussà, Alt Pirineu and at the Aigüestortes and Saint Maurici Lake National Park.

During the first weeks of October and after dawn is when the grunts are more intense. You will have to keep your distance as the male deer are very aggressive, full of testosterone and ready to defend their territory. Continue reading

Nature lives here. Dive among pines and firs and treat yourself to a pure air immersion. Excitement and adventure. Gastronomy, culture or adrenaline-filled experiences.

Come to discover the treasures of the Lleida Pyrenees. A unique paradise surrounded by natural parks, rivers and high peaks that invite you to live and feel unforgettable moments. Continue reading