THE DEER’S GRUNT, a magnificient show

berrea del ciervo campings de lleida

Every year, during the fall, the Pyrenees in Lleida become the host for the deer’s grunt this spectacular routine showcases the wildlife of the area. These splendid animals face each other in fierce mating battles, they can be easily observed in the woods and meadows of Pallars Jussà, Alt Pirineu and at the Aigüestortes and Saint Maurici Lake National Park.

During the first weeks of October and after dawn is when the grunts are more intense. You will have to keep your distance as the male deer are very aggressive, full of testosterone and ready to defend their territory.

THE DEER’S GRUNT campings de lleida

Deer fight each other while chasing females. A tough objective once we consider that they are only fertile for one day every year; meaning that they will try to pair with as many females as possible. The mating competition in between males is fierce, face to face, antler against antler.

From CAMPINGS DELLEIDA we recommend that you enjoy this incredible show accompanied by a specialized guide. Once you have located their favorite habitats, be patient and quietly wait for the action to develop. One last tip, dress in camouflage colors in order to not be spotted or molest the deer.

the deer's grunt campings de lleida

In our campsites in the Lleida Pyrenees we will inform you and recommend the best options according to your interests and needs. For example, in the Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu they have different experiences on October 11. Here you can find all the information and book directly:

On our website, you have the campsites to stay according to the location areas and their detailed file. It’s showtime!